====== Online Representation Guide ====== //Prepared by the National Information Technology Committee// Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to layout guidelines and rules for the creation, use, and maintenance of any online account representing Mu Beta Psi National Honorary Musical Fraternity or its Chapters. ===== Basics of online representation ===== Online tools allow Mu Beta Psi to have a virtual presence, similar to bulletin boards and posters hanging on campus. Brothers can create and manage Mu Beta Psi's virtual presence in some of the following ways: * Sharing media (text, photos, videos, music) * Joining discussions (posting, re-tweeting, liking) * Sending messages (responding, promoting) * Building and managing a profile (selecting avatars, adding links, building preferences) Why have a virtual presence? Maintaining online representation allows Mu Beta Psi to: * Showcase the Fraternity and help build relationships with key audiences: prospective, university administration, musicians on campus, and people in the community * Encourage fellowship among musicians, and create comfortable spaces to have fun ===== Before creating a virtual presence representing Mu Beta Psi ===== Building an effective virtual presence requires time and effort from you. The National Information Technology Committee recommends the following guidelines for online accounts that represent Mu Beta Psi. ==== Step one: Who are you representing? ==== Accounts representing Mu Beta Psi's National Organization or national events may only be administered by: - National Officers defined in the [[national-constitution|National Constitution]], - Brothers who chair a standing or ad-hoc National Committee, or - Brothers appointed by a National Officer or National Committee. Accounts representing a Chapter or Chapter events may only be administered by: - President, Vice President, or NITC Rep - Brothers appointed by one of the above ==== Step two: Have you informed us? ==== Before you create an account to represent Mu Beta Psi, share the following information with the National Information Technology Committee: - What kind of account will it be? (For example, is it a web site? A profile? Something else?) - What login credentials are you planning? (What username do you have in mind?) - What is your plan for the account? (Who are you trying to reach? What's your objective? What's the main thing you want from your involvement? How much do you think it might cost?) - Who will be directly responsible for managing the account? How long does this Brother plan to manage the account? //Making our decision// Once you share this request with the National Information Technology Committee Chair, they will make an assessment and give you an initial answer within two weeks. We might approve or deny your request at first. Either way, the Committee will discuss your request in full at our next regularly-scheduled meeting. Our committee members will vote to approve or deny the request via a simple majority vote. If your request is denied, you will receive a written explanation from us within a week. We will include specific reasons why your request was denied, and we will encourage you to reapply if you wish. ==== Step three: Make the account ==== Once you receive our approval, create the account you have in mind. Congratulations! //Usage Tips// As you create the new account to represent Mu Beta Psi, keep these in mind: * When possible, establish the new account using the @mubetapsi.org email alias for the respective user. This allows us to recover the account more easily, and will make your reporting procedures less problematic when the account manager changes. * If possible, set the National Webmaster email address as a resource for the account so other users can submit any complaints or issues with the account. Please contact the webmaster via [[http://mubetapsi.org/pages/contact.php|this contact form]] if you don't know the email address. * If your account is hosted by technology not owned or administered by the Fraternity, the risk is high of losing control (ownership) of material. Avoid sharing restricted content online, and never post prohibited content online. If you have any questions about what these terms mean, please review the [[information-technology|Information Technology Policy]] or contact the National Information Technology Committee. We are happy to help. * Keep your audience in mind. Brothers may be the primary group of people watching the account, but non-brothers may be interested in keeping up to date as well. As such, these accounts can be an excellent way to promote the Fraternity along with keeping everyone informed and/or having a fun time. Feel free to reach out to people, but don’t pressure anyone to become involved with the account. * The “voice” of the account should be, but is not limited to: * Inviting * Semi-professional/professional * Positive * Caring * It should in no way be negative, attacking, or accusatory. * Imagery should reflect the voice, and must not include any restricted material as per the [[information-technology|Information Technology Policy]]. Any fraternal symbols used should be approved symbols (coat of arms, etc). Please contact the NITC if you would like any graphics files. Images of Brothers having fun together or doing something music-related are especially encouraged! //Keep us up to date// Every online account representing Mu Beta Psi must be cataloged annually by the National Information Technology Committee with the following information: - What are you currently using your account to do? (Who is it currently reaching? What has your objective been lately? Are there any costs associated with it?) - What are your access credentials? (What's the current username and password? - Who are the Brothers that currently have knowledge of your access credentials? (Please provide a list.) We need to receive this account information by January 31 of every year. The National Information Technology Committee will maintain all account information in a database, which can be accessed by the National Officers and the permanent members of the Board of Trustees. ===== Enforcement ===== Managing a virtual presence for Mu Beta Psi means you are directly responsible to the Fraternity for your actions. The National Information Technology Committee will review your account bi-annually to ensure compliance with our usage guidelines and other Fraternity policies. Any Brother may bring a complaint to the National Information Technology Committee at any time, regardless of membership type or current role in the Fraternity. ===== Your account review ===== The National Information Technology Committee will discuss your account and its use in representing Mu Beta Psi. We will submit a report to your account manager regarding what needs to be changed, and we may ask you to deactivate or delete the account. Any Brother may appeal the findings of our review or our decisions by contacting the Board of Trustees. If the manager of your account does not make the corrections we request, or if your manager is unresponsive, you may receive an order from the Board of Trustees to halt any activity (to cease) and not to take it up again later (to desist), or else your account manager may face legal action.