An Active member will lose voting rights if they fall delinquent in payment of dues, whether that be paid in full upon original deadline or by scheduled payment plan. The Treasurer will report such delinquencies to the Executive Committee. The member's voting privileges will be regained on the meeting following the payment, which may be the same day, fulfilling the negative balance of all delinquent dues.
Delinquency shall be defined as an outstanding balance lasting longer than 3 days after the payment deadline, whether that be the original deadline or the scheduled payment plan deadline.
Upon notification of delinquency said Brother shall create a payment plan, thus making said Brother no longer delinquent.
An Active member may cast an absentee ballot on the election or impeachment of officers only if they are excused from the meeting at which the votes are being taken. The Active must give the handwritten sealed ballot to the highest-ranking officer not involved prior to the meeting at which the vote is going to be taken. An absentee ballot for the election of officers will be nullified should a new candidate run for the office.
The President of Rho Chapter will be allowed to cast a vote on the offering of bids, amendments to the Chapter ByLaws, and the approval of nominees to the Standards Board. On all other matters, the President of Rho Chapter will not vote unless there is a tie vote, in which case the President will act as the tie-breaking vote.
If a significant problem arises as a consequence of the vote, an Active Brother may bring concerns to a ranking officer within the Chapter, and it will be discussed at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Dues and Fees
Dues shall be paid to the Treasurer by the third General Business meeting of the semester.
If a Brother is unable to pay in full by the established date, they must confirm a payment plan with the Treasurer by the established deadline.
The established payment plan must be completed by the last General Business meeting of the semester.
A payment plan shall be defined as a written plan of payment submitted to and approved by the Treasurer including such information as the intended date, amount, and method of payment.
If a Brother fails to make their payment on time or fails to establish a payment plan with the Treasurer, they will incur fines as set in the Rho Chapter ByLaws.
Fines of Delinquent Payments
First Delinquent Payment: Check-in with the Treasurer
Second Delinquent Payment: $5
Third Delinquent Payment: $10
Fourth Delinquent Payment: Executive Review
Fines of Unestablished Payment Plan
First Week of Unestablished Payment Plan: Check-in with Treasurer
Second Week of Unestablished Payment Plan: $5 and revocation of voting privilege until a payment plan is made
Third Week of Unestablished Payment Plan: An additional $10
Fourth Week of Unestablished Payment Plan: Executive Review
Local dues and affiliation fees of Rho Chapter will be determined by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership. All voting members of Rho Chapter will be required to pay dues in accordance with the Rho Chapter ByLaws.
Elected Officers
The elected officers will be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Member At-Large (
MAL), Historian, Member Educator, Social Coordinator, Service Chair, and Music Chair.
The President and Vice President must have at least one (1) year of Active membership at the time of election. In the event that no Active member has (1) year of Active membership or no eligible Active wishes to hold these positions, those members with the most seniority will be eligible for these offices.
The Secretary and Treasurer must have at least one (1) semester of Active membership at the time of election. In the event that no Active member has (1) semester of Active membership or no eligible Active wishes to hold these positions, those members with the most seniority will be eligible for these offices.
Nominees to all offices must be Active.
Duties of Officers
The President will preside at the meetings of this Chapter. The President will also serve as chair of the Executive Committee.
The President will, as necessary, appoint within three (3) weeks after election to office: all committee members and chairpersons necessary to the Chapter.
The President may appoint or remove any committee members or chairpersons during the year as deemed necessary.
The President will be Rho Chapter's representative to the National Board of Trustees.
The President cannot concurrently hold the position of Member-At-Large.
Schedules will be collected from the Brotherhood by the President no later than the Monday before the semester begins in order to schedule weekly meetings.
The President is responsible for the safekeeping of the Charter and the Mascot of Rho Chapter.
The President will be the second voting delegate at the National Convention.
Vice President
The Vice President shall preside at all meetings at which the President is absent.
The Vice President will assist other officers when needed.
The Vice President will assist other committee heads when needed.
The Vice President will not be automatically appointed to committee head fill vacancies.
The Vice President will serve as chapter representative to the National Committee on Chapter Maintenance.
Vice President is the head of Chapter Maintenance and ByLaws Committee.
The Vice President will be responsible for the Unexcused Absence Check-In with the Brother in question as stated in the Rho Chapter Attendance Policy Section III-A-1. If the Vice President is unable to do so, they may choose a proxy.
The Secretary shall be responsible for recording minutes at all General Business Meetings in typewritten form and must send them within 48 hours.
The Secretary will take roll at each meeting and the names of those Active members not present and not excused will be entered into the minutes for that meeting. It will be the duty of the Secretary to report to the President, the name of any member who has three (3) unexcused absences in a semester.
It will be the responsibility of the Secretary to obtain a meeting place for any meeting which the President calls by sufficient notification. The Secretary shall notify each member of the time and place of the meeting.
The Secretary will be responsible for having a copy of the National Constitution and Chapter ByLaws at every meeting.
The Secretary or the Secretary's designee will be solely responsible for removing mail from the Chapter mailbox.
The Secretary is an ex-officio member of History and Archives Committee.
The Treasurer will personally oversee all the financial transactions of Rho Chapter of Mu Beta Psi.
The Treasurer will be responsible for keeping a running account of all financial records in an accounting format and must be prepared to give a report of financial status of Rho Chapter at each regularly scheduled meeting.
The Treasurer will accept dues and fees from the members and give a written receipt of payment to each member at the time dues are paid.
The Treasurer will be responsible for the proper disbursal of all monies resulting from all functions which are directly sponsored by Rho Chapter.
The Treasurer will be an ex-officio member of the Chapter Affairs and Functions Committee.
The Treasurer will be responsible for attending National Fundraising and Finance Committee meetings.
In the event the Treasurer is unable to attend, they must find another active Brother in the Chapter to serve as a proxy.
Treasurer is to establish a budget for each committee based off previous spending records and present it to the Brotherhood no later than the second regularly scheduled meeting, for approval.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the Chapter inventory of education pins, Brothers' pins, green and gold letters, and Coat of Arms decals.
Member-At Large
The duties of the Member-at-Large will be:
To represent Rho Chapter at National Convention as the voting delegate.
To maintain correspondence with other Chapters and the National Executive Committee.
To serve as the Chapter’s reporter to The Clef.
Member-At-Large will be responsible for all national correspondence, with the cooperation of the Vice President, Treasurer, Member Educator and Historian.
Member Educator
Two Member Educators will be elected, the first to act as Member Educator and the second to act as Assistant Member Educator.
Election will be held at the discretion of the President.
The Assistant Member Educator will automatically succeed the Member Educator unless the Brotherhood votes to remove them from the office.
The duties of the Member Educators will be:
To guide the education class through a course of training that prepares the members in training to be accepted as Brothers into the Fraternity.
To serve as a liaison between the Brotherhood and the education class during this period of training.
To organize and preside over initiations.
The Member Educator is the head of the Education Committee.
The Assistant Member Educator is an ex-officio member of the Education Committee.
The Historian will be Rho Chapter's representative to the National History and Archive Committee.
Historian is the head of the History and Archive Committee.
The Historian will maintain a system of filing and preserving historic records in coordination with the Secretary.
The Historian will collect all posters, advertisements, articles, and anything else discussing Chapter or Fraternity activities as well as the musical/Fraternal activities of the Brothers of Rho Chapter.
The Historian will solicit photographs from the Brotherhood after Fraternity activities.
The Historian will prepare an annual Rho Chapter Scrapbook, with the assistance of the Brotherhood, to be entered into the Priceless Memories contest at National Convention.
The Historian shall assist with all historic submissions to the National Organization, including submissions to The Clef by the Member-at-Large.
The Historian is charged with keeping the Plaques of Rho chapter.
Term of Office
The term of office for the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer,
MAL, and Historian will be for a period of one (1) year or until the next scheduled election.
The term of office for Member Educator will be at most two (2) semesters or three (3) education terms.
Any member elected to an office, prior to the fifth (5) week of fall term, cannot succeed themselves in office (unless appointed by the president).
If the presidency is vacant, the order of ascension will be applied to appoint the vacant position.
Brothers eligible for appointment must submit a letter of intent.
The president will select a nominee from those members whom have submitted letters and present this nominee to the Brotherhood. They must be approved by two thirds of Active members present at the meeting.
The office of Secretary and Historian is exempt.
Newly elected officers will take office immediately upon their election.
Order of Ascension
In the case that the President is unable to complete the term of office, the Order of Ascension will be:
Vice President
Member Educator
Election of Officers
Nominations for new officers will be conducted by the third (3rd) to last meeting of the winter semester and election of new officers will be held by the second (2nd) to last meeting of winter semester.
All nominations must be seconded.
Any member nominated for an office will be permitted to decline the nomination.
Nominations for all offices will be closed prior to adjourning the meeting at which elections are held and may be reopened at the next regularly scheduled meeting by the President or by a motion of any Active member.
Prior to voting for a particular office, nominees will declare their qualifications for this office in an appropriate manner.
During the nomination period, a member will speak with the current officer to learn more about their role and responsibilities and ask any questions they may have for at least 30 minutes.
For officer elections, discussion shall be limited to a speech and a question and answer session that together will be no longer than ten (10) minutes. Then there will be two (2) minutes of pro statements, four (4) minutes of con statements, and two (2) final minutes of pro statements, with no candidates present during these pro-con statements.
After elections, new officers will meet with the old officer to discuss the role and learn the duties and responsibilities of the position, including obligations not explicitly stated in these Chapter ByLaws.
Some examples include but are not limited to: submissions, writing minutes, budgeting, National Convention, event planning, etc.
Removal of Officers
Any officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all the eligible voting members present at an official meeting.
This vote may be called by any Active member, who must propose the vote under New Business during the previous weekly meeting.
The votes will be collected and counted by the Chapter President and Secretary. If either officer is in question the votes will be counted by the next highest ranking officer in the order of ascension.
No vote will be taken until the officer in question has had the opportunity to debate all charges.
Vacant offices will be filled by appointment from the President. If the President is in question, the appointment will be made following the order of ascension.
The power to appoint and abolish committees will reside with the President. The committees shall be as follows:
Chapter Executive Committee
The Chapter Executive Committee is a governing body responsible for overseeing the ByLaws, Brotherhood activity, and other responsibilities as cited in the ByLaws.
Chapter Maintenance and ByLaws Committee (CMBL)
Responsible for maintaining the Chapter’s health with workshops and updating ByLaws and Policies.
Chapter Affairs and Functions Committee
Responsible for supporting the immediate needs of the Chapter as determined by the Committee.
History and Archive Committee
Responsible for the maintenance of Chapter Scrapbooks and Chapter Archives.
Education Committee
Responsible for assisting the Education staff, as deemed fit, in all areas related to the Education process.
Service Committee
Responsible for finding and creating community service events for the Chapter.
Music Committee
Responsible for keeping track of concert attendance, creating new ideas for music events and activities, and strengthening our relationship with the Northern Michigan University Music Department.
Ad-Hoc Committee
An Ad-Hoc committee is created and dismantled by the Chapter President. The purpose of any Ad-Hoc committee must be expressed by the President upon its creation to fill any foreseen gaps in the Chapter’s needs.
All committee members may call upon the resources of the Chapter in the execution of their duties. They may also request the aid of any and all members of the Chapter.
No members, officers, committee members, members in training or appointees may be forced to assume a task against their will.
The Chapter Executive Committee will be made up of the President, the Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Member-At-Large.
The Service Committee chair, Music Committee chair, and Social Coordinator shall be elected positions. Elections for these positions will be held every semester per election protocol for officers.
All committees will be made up of a maximum of six (6) official members in addition to a committee chairperson and all ex-officio members.
In the event that more than six (6) Brothers wish to serve on a certain committee, official members shall be chosen by means of letters of intent submitted to the committee chairperson.
All committee meetings shall be open to the Brotherhood, however only committee members shall cast an official vote.
The committee chairperson shall only cast their vote in the event of a tie.
Committees that are delinquent in meeting at least once (1) a month will be subject to review by the Executive committee.
The Committee Chair must announce the time and place of their committee meeting at a minimum of 24 hours in advance to the Brotherhood via the listserv.
If the time and/or place must be changed and the notification cannot be made 24 hours in advance, the Committee Chair has until 2 hours before the original meeting time to present a vote to their committee members to change the time and/or place.
The power to appoint the following positions shall reside with the president:
Chapter Affairs and Functions Committee Head
National Committee on Expansion Representative
National Information Technology Committee Representative
Social Media Coordinator
Duties of Appointees
Chapter Affairs and Functions Committee Head
The CAF Committee head is responsible for running the CAF committee meetings and ensuring they have one meeting a month.
The CAF Committee head will be responsible for reviewing and approving all Social Media Posts with the Social Media Coordinator.
National Committee on Expansion Representative (
NCE is responsible for attending all National Committee on Expansion meetings and being a liaison between Rho Chapter and the National Committee on Expansion.
The Parliamentarian is responsible for explaining and enforcing parliamentary procedures.
The Parliamentarian is responsible for keeping and updating the ByLaws as amendments are made.
The Parliamentarian and
NITC representative are the only ones who are permitted to hold the editable electronic copies of the ByLaws.
The Parliamentarian is an ex-officio member of the Chapter Maintenance and ByLaws Committee.
The Parliamentarian is responsible for collecting fines placed on Brothers for Unexcused Absences and for interruptions at General Business meetings.
National Information Technology Committee Representative (
NITC representative is responsible for maintaining the Rho Chapter website.
NITC representative is responsible for attending all National Information Technology Committee meetings and being a liaison between Rho Chapter and
NITC representative is responsible for updating Rho Chapter’s policies on the national policy page on the national website.
NITC representative is responsible for maintaining records of login information for all Rho Chapter accounts.
The passwords shall be changed with the initiation of each new
NITC representative.
The President shall also have a copy of the document containing all Rho Chapter log-in information.
NITC representative is an ex-officio member of the Chapter Affairs and Functions committee.
Social Media Coordinator
The Social Media Coordinator will be responsible for managing the Rho Joe and Rho Chapter social media accounts.
Managing is defined as posting content, responding to direct messages (DMs) and comments, managing what these accounts are “following.”
When posting content in the form of a “post” the Social Media Coordinator will be responsible for communicating with the CAF Committee head for revisions and approval prior to posting.
When posting content in the form of a “story” the content will be posted under the sole discretion of the Social Media Coordinator.
The Social Media Coordinator will be responsible for presenting an approximate posting schedule to the Chapter Affairs and Functions Committee to be included in their officer goals.
The social media coordinator will be an ex-officio member of the CAF committee.
Selection of the Chapter Standards Board.
The Chapter Executive Board must propose a slate of no fewer than three Chapter Standards Board members.
The number of Chapter Standards Board members must always be odd.
The slate of candidates must be ratified as a whole by a threefourths vote of the Chapter during the Chapter election process.
If the Chapter fails to ratify the proposed slate of candidates, the Chapter executive board shall propose a new one.
Use of the Chapter Standards Board.
A Chapter’s Standards Board adjudicates the alleged misconduct of the Chapter’s members.
If, due to limited membership or conflicts of interest, a Chapter is unable to select a Standards Board or hear a complaint, the Chapter will refer the complaint to the National Organization.
Reporting Alleged Violations.
Any person may allege a violation of this Code by notifying the Chapter President and Chapter Standards Board Chair in writing.
Prohibition on Conflicts of Interest.
The Respondent or any other member simultaneously charged with similar misconduct may not adjudicate the case or participate in the appellate process.
If a Chapter Standards Board member is unable to serve due to a conflict of interest, the Chapter executive board may appoint a temporary replacement with ratification by a three-fourths vote of the Chapter.
Chapter Standards Board Procedures.
Once the Chapter receives a written complaint, the Chapter Standards Board will select one of its members to manage the adjudication of the complaint and act as Chair for all proceedings involving the complaint.
The Chapter Standards Board will set a date, time, and location or method (e.g., conference call, video conference) for a hearing to adjudicate the case. The hearing must occur within 15 days unless extenuating circumstances justify an extension.
When scheduling a hearing, the Chapter Standards Board must make all reasonable attempts to accommodate the Respondent’s schedule (i.e, the hearing should not be scheduled during class time, midterm or final exams, required school activities, etc.)
The Chapter Standards Board will send the Respondent written notice of the hearing at least five days in advance. The notice must
outline the provisions of the Code with which the Respondent is charged;
describe the nature of the alleged misconduct in sufficient detail to allow the Respondent to present a defense; and
indicate the date, time, and location or method (e.g., conference call, video conference) of the Chapter Standards Board hearing.
The Respondent and the Chapter Standards Board may resolve the complaint informally. To resolve the complaint without a Standards Board hearing, the Respondent must, in writing,
waive the right to appeal;
accept responsibility for each alleged violation of the Code; and
agree to complete any sanctions proposed by the Chapter Standards Board.
The sanctions must be proposed to the Respondent before agreeing to the informal resolution.
A written copy of an informal resolution must be sent to the Chapter President.
The Chapter Standards Board will conduct the hearing with the Respondent according to the following guidelines:
The Chapter Standards Board may question any party or witness. The Complaint and Respondent may submit questions to the Standards Board Chair, who will ask the questions at their discretion.
The Chapter Standards Board will review the charges with the Respondent. The Respondent may admit or deny responsibility for each charge. If the Respondent admits responsibility for all charges, the Chapter Standards Board will only consider information to determine the appropriate sanction.
The Complainant will have the opportunity to present information substantiating the Respondent’s alleged misconduct, including pertinent witnesses, written statements, and other records.
After the Complainant’s presentation, the Respondent will have the opportunity to present a defense, including pertinent witnesses, written statements, and other records.
Witnesses may only be present during the proceedings while offering testimony.
The Chapter Standards Board may limit the number of character witnesses or accept written statements instead.
After the presentation of all pertinent information, the Chapter Standards Board will excuse the parties and their advisors and deliberate.
The Chapter Standards Board will determine, by a majority vote, whether the Respondent is responsible for each charge.
If the Chapter Standards Board finds the Respondent responsible, the Standards Board determines the appropriate sanctions.
The Chapter Standards Board will keep minutes of all hearings with Respondents.
The minutes will serve as the sole record for all hearings.
The minutes should accurately summarize the information presented by the Complainant, Respondent, and any pertinent witnesses.
Deliberations will not be included in the minutes.
If the Respondent does not appear for the Chapter Standards Board hearing, the hearing will proceed as scheduled and the Chapter Standards Board will consider the information substantiating the Respondent’s alleged misconduct.
The Chapter Standards Board will notify the Respondent of the outcome in writing within seven days of the hearing. The notice must include
the determination of responsibility for each charge;
any sanctions assigned; and
any applicable appeal procedure.
The Chapter Standards Board must forward copies of the following records for all Standards Board and appellate proceedings to the National Vice-President of Chapter Maintenance at least annually:
The written complaint.
The Respondent’s hearing notification.
The hearing minutes.
The Respondent’s outcome notification.
If the Chapter Standards Board suspends or expels the Respondent, the records must be forwarded to the National Vice-President of Chapter Maintenance and the National Secretary within seven days of notifying the Respondent.
The membership will be governed by the National Constitution and National Policies of Mu Beta Psi and the ByLaws and policies of the Chapter.
All meetings of the Chapter will be based on Robert's Rules of Order.
The power to interpret the governing procedures of the Chapter will be vested in the President, with recommendations from the Parliamentarian.
Regulations and Requirements
The regular meetings of Rho Chapter will be held weekly as determined by the majority of members present at the first (1st) General Business meeting of each semester.
Special meetings may be called by the President or by a petition of one-half (1/2) of the Active membership.
The Executive Committee may change the time and/or place of any meeting at any time by majority decision, providing sufficient notification of the Brotherhood is given.