This guide describes when and if certain content can be online. It is an unofficial document, but is based off of the Information Technology Policy policy
The following CANNOT be on phones (including text, video, photo, document, or storage of any sort), in photos, email, Facebook (or other social networking sites), video chat, or anywhere else online for any reason. It DOES NOT MATTER1) if the content is password protected or not! Additionally, this content cannot be seen or discussed by non-Brothers (exception is current Members-in-Training that have already seen/experienced the specific part of the education process).
Restricted content refers to information that is not suitable for the general public, but is not related to ritual (I.E. mostly Brothers only). Access to this content must be password protected if online. Content is as follows:
Information that may possibly considered restricted content should be reviewed with the National Information Technology Committee Chair before being made available.
Approved content refers to information that is suitable for the general public. Anyone can discuss this content. Content is as follows: