The National Historian shall preserve the following records, including but not limited to:
National Convention minutes
National correspondence
National financial records
Copies of The Clef
National address lists
National Executive Committee minutes
Board of Trustees minutes
All other National Committee meeting minutes
Chapter By-laws
Chapter Maintenance Handbook and Expansion Handbook
Preservation techniques and storage shall be determined by the National Historian with approval by the Board of Trustees Records Management Advisor.
The National Historian shall print hard copies of the
National Constitution,
National Policies, Chapter By-Laws, and Chapter Maintenance Handbook and Expansion Handbook as changes are made to the secure website for preservation in the National archives.
The National Historian shall request correspondence and records that are over five (5) years old, and financial records that are over seven (7) years old from each National Officer, each collegiate Chapter and the Board of Trustees Finance Advisor annually. The Alumni Association shall provide the National Historian with a copy of all minutes of meetings as they are published.
The National Historian shall work with the Secretary and Historian of each Chapter to ensure that all Chapter records are preserved properly.
The National Historian shall solicit from each collegiate Chapter a complete summary of their Chapter's activities to be submitted at each regularly scheduled Convention. This summary must include, but is not limited to, copies of Chapter newsletters (if applicable), a photo of the entire active membership (or composite), and a summary of Chapter activities over the past Convention year.
The National Historian shall provide copies of old records to each Chapter for secondary preservation as finances allow.
The Chapter master copies shall be paper hard copies.
Records may also be preserved in optional formats.
The National Historian shall be responsible for the Fraternity digital camera.
National Communications Officer
To manage social media and digital presences, representing the Fraternity professionally to the public
To be a resource and guide for chapter social media and communications needs
To consult with chapters on social media and public statements
To provide regular seminars, presentations, and/or resources on good social media and communication practices
To maintain a library of resource material accessible to all Brothers
To provide advisement, support, and resources to chapters for their websites and branding, rush and event postings, fundraising efforts, recruiting and expansion efforts, and any other applicable communications or marketing efforts
To be a resource for the social media and communications needs of the National Office and their fellow National Officers
To consult with and advise National Officers with external communications; university faculty and staff, community leaders, etc.
To proactively manage the external communications of the Fraternity at the national level, responding to current events and issues of note
To maintain and update the Fraternity Branding Guidelines, in concert with the Standards Advisor
To maintain and actively participate in the Fraternal Communications Association membership, meetings, resources, and development opportunities
The Chair of the Board of Trustees
The Chair of the Board of Trustees shall preside over all Board of Trustees meetings.
The Chair of the Board of Trustees shall solicit a quarterly executive report detailing all activities of National Committees during the period.
The Chair of the Board of Trustees shall be responsible for renewing insurance policies on behalf of the Fraternity.
The National Executive Committee shall meet as frequently as is necessary to conduct the business of the National Organization.
Special meetings may be called by the National President, or by a petition of one-half (½) of the voting membership, with notice given to all members of the National Executive Committee at least five (5) days in advance.
Proxy Procedures
An absent voting member may send a signed proxy letter (or an email) to the National Secretary on how to vote on specific issues.
National Officers and National Committee Chairs may not appoint another person to act as their proxy for any National Executive Committee meeting.
Chapter representatives to the National Executive Committee may appoint another brother to act as their proxy for any National Executive Committee meeting. Said proxy must be an active member of the Chapter for whom they shall be representing and be active with the National Organization.
Only one (1) Chapter representative must be in attendance at any National Executive Committee meeting.
The National Executive Committee may, at its discretion, fine any member of the National Executive Committee who does not attend at least two-thirds (⅔) of its meetings. Fines against a Chapter shall be for not having at least one (1) representative present at two-thirds (⅔) its meetings. Fines against Chapter representatives shall be assessed against the Chapter they represent.
Order of Business
Unless otherwise approved by the National Executive Committee, the agenda for Convention Meetings shall be:
Call to Order
Roll Call
Reading and Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
Review of Roberts Rules of Order
Review of General Assembly Agenda
Approval of amendments to National Policy
Review of Board of Trustees or Permanent Board Members (if applicable)
Other Business
Unless otherwise approved by the National Executive Committee, the agenda for Monthly Meetings shall be:
Call to Order
Roll Call
Reading and Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
Reports from Officers, Committee Chairs, and Chapters
Old Business
New Business
The National Secretary shall take minutes of every National Executive Committee meeting.
The National Secretary shall inform the National President of impending absences and appoint a member of the National Executive Committee to serve in the capacity of acting secretary for the meeting in question.
The acting secretary shall only serve to take the minutes of the meeting. They shall not vote on behalf of the National Secretary.
Closed Door Meetings
The National Executive Committee shall have the right to conduct official discussions and reviews behind closed doors. No motions, other than those required to keep order and to recess may be approved behind closed doors.
A meeting of the National Executive Committee may be closed only by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the National Executive Committee. A majority vote shall be required to reopen a meeting.
National Committees
National Committees
Membership on National Committees
All Standing National Committees, unless otherwise stated in the
National Constitution or
National Policy, shall consist of the following:
A chairperson, who shall call meetings by their own initiative, by referendum of a majority of committee members or by order of National President. The chairperson shall vote only in the case of a tie. The National President shall appoint this chairperson, unless otherwise stated in National Policy.
A voting representative from each Chapter in the Legislative Council.
The National President, National Secretary, and a Permanent Board of Trustees Member to be assigned by the Chair; all of whom shall be non-voting ex-officio members unless also serving as a Chapter representative.
All Ad-hoc committees shall have a structure as set by the National President.
The committee chairperson shall conduct all votes of their committees not taken at convention, or may request that the National Secretary conduct the vote on their behalf.
If taken at a meeting (in person, online, conference call, etc), the votes must be included in the minutes of the meeting and submitted to the National Secretary within thirty (30) days of the meeting.
Unless otherwise specified, quorum for all committee meetings and all votes taken via alternative technology shall be one-half (½) of the voting members of the body. Failure to meet quorum in an alternative technology ballot shall render the vote null and void, and a re-vote shall be conducted.
All National Committees shall meet at least twice each year, one of which shall take place at Convention.
The committee chairperson shall appoint someone to take minutes at each meeting and shall send a copy of the typed minutes to the National Secretary within thirty (30) days of the meeting for publication.
The committee chairperson shall announce upcoming meetings, give at least two (2) weeks notice when possible, and shall publish an agenda to all members prior to the meeting.
Any Brother may attend any National Committee meeting.
This policy shall be revised as necessary by the National Executive Committee.
The revised policy shall be approved by the National Executive Committee and submitted to the Legislative Council.
The committee-approved policy shall be approved by two-thirds (⅔) of the Legislative Council.
Approved: March 12, 2016
Amended April 18, 2022
Christopher Ciarlariello
Acting National Secretary