Memorial pages, dedicated to all Brothers who pass away during current year. Include Active, Inactive, Alumni, Honorary, Associate, etc.
Newspaper obituary.
Photograph of Brother, if available.
Funeral memorial bulletins
Respectful remembrances are most appropriate
Individual Brother’s successful milestones – wedding, birth, etc.
Publicity for ALL subjects of content listed above (show relationship to Chapter/Brother):
Newspaper articles concerning Chapter functions
Include the name of publication
Include the dateline (when article was published)
Photographs of Chapter activities
Caption snapshots with title of event
Include dates of event
Include location of subject in photo
Include names of people in photo
Newsletter articles
Magazine articles
Invitations and/or thank you notes
Programs or bulletins
Additional selections may be added at the discretion of the Chapter.
Inappropriate Content
Chapters are to use discretion with the selection of photographs that are included in the Scrapbook.
Content with is considered to be inappropriate includes, but is not limited to:
Depictions of the consumption of alcohol.
Depictions of the consumption or usage of any illegal substance or narcotics.
Depictions of any lewd behavior.
Depictions of any illegal activity.
Scrapbooks will be judged on the following criteria:
General appearance
Arrangement of material
Preservation technique
The National Officers and permanent Board of Trustees members shall judge scrapbooks prior to the banquet at each National Convention.
If it is determined that a Scrapbook contains inappropriate content, the Judges will have the discretion to disqualify it from the competition by a majority vote.
The National Historian shall oversee the judging process. In the event that the National Historian is absent, they shall appoint a designee to oversee the judging process
Each Judge will rank their top three favorite scrapbooks based on the judging criteria. The first choice shall receive three points. The second choice shall receive two points. The third choice shall receive one point.
The National Historian or their designee shall tabulate all of the points to determine a winner. The winner shall be the Chapter whose scrapbook receives the highest number of points.
In the event of a tie, the Judges will be presented with the names of the top two scrapbooks and will choose their top choice. That scrapbook shall receive one point. The National Historian, or their designee, shall tabulate all of the points to determine a winner.
The winning Chapter will receive the traveling Mu Beta Psi banner and $50.00 as an award.
Scrapbooks will be returned to the Chapters after presentation of the award and the submission of the summary by the Chapters.
This policy shall be revised as necessary by the National History and Archives Committee and approved by (⅔) two-thirds vote of the National Executive Committee with presentation to the National Convention upon approval.
Approved: March 9, 2012
Amended April 18, 2022
Christopher Ciarlariello
Acting National Secretary