Board of Trustees Recommendation, March 13, 2020, COVID-19

Given the current COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, the recommendations by the CDC, and the numerous college campuses shutting down and moving to remote learning, the Board of Trustees of Mu Beta Psi, National Honorary Musical Fraternity, recognizes that Chapters may not be able to meet in- person to perform rituals that lead to the initiation of new Brothers. The Board recognizes that Chapters will need to make adjustments to their education process for the Members-in-Training to allow alternative ways of completing certain aspects of the process. The Board acknowledges that the rituals of this Fraternity are some of the shared experiences that bind Brothers together. This Board highly recommends that Chapters vote to initiate their Members-in-Training, as deemed appropriate, granting them full membership as Brothers with the expectation that these Brothers shall go through their respective informal and formal initiations when possible. These Brothers shall go through these rituals separate from any future Member-in-Training classes and will not have any restrictions placed on their status as Brothers due to the delay of an in-person initiation.