Alpha Chapter Standing Rules of Order

The Standing Rules of Order contained herein shall supplement the Alpha Chapter By-Laws and the accepted parliamentary authority of Mu Beta Psi, National Honorary Musical Fraternity, in general Chapter procedure and in the conduct of Chapter general meetings. Their purpose is to explain further and better simplify the procedural and structural functioning of the Chapter. All Standing Rules of Order are subject to change by the Will of the Brotherhood at any time. The Standing Rules of Order contained herein were ratified on April 16, 2006.

The Standing Rules of Order was last amended on November 17th, 2019.

  1. Elections
    1. Regular Elections
      1. Initial nominations for regular elections, excluding elections of Pledgemasters, shall take place at the third to last regularly scheduled general meeting during the academic year.
      2. Regular elections, excluding elections of Pledgemasters, shall take place after a second round of nominations at the next to last regularly scheduled general meeting during the academic year.
      3. Initial nominations for regular elections of Pledgemasters shall take place at the first general meeting after a motion to train a Pledgeclass is adopted.
      4. Regular elections for Pledgemasters shall take place after a second round of nominations at the next general meeting after the general meeting during which the initial nominations took place.
    2. Special Elections
      1. Initial nominations for a special election shall take place at the first general meeting after a vacancy of an office occurs.
      2. Special elections shall take place after a second round of nominations at the next regularly scheduled general meeting after the general meeting during which the initial nominations took place.
    3. Each election shall consist of the following, in order, for all candidates in order of their nomination:
      1. Speech by candidate of up to two (2) minutes in length;
        1. The speech limit for Presidential candidates shall be ten (10) minutes.
        2. This speech limit may be extended (or abolished) for an election by two-thirds (2/3) vote prior to the inception of the first candidate’s speech for that election.
      2. Questions for the candidate from the Brotherhood; and
      3. Discussion by the Brotherhood on the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate.
        1. Content of discussion shall not be shared with individuals not taking part in it.
        2. Discussion of strengths and discussion of weaknesses shall not be conducted simultaneously.
        3. The time allotted for discussion of strengths and the time allotted for discussion of weaknesses shall be equal.
        4. The time allotted for discussion of strengths and weaknesses shall be equal for each candidate.
    4. Uncontested Elections
      1. Any election other than the election of Pledgemasters for which there is only one candidate may be bypassed by a vote by acclimation of the candidate for that office.
        1. A vote by acclimation may not be conducted if the candidate has not held the position before.
      2. Any election of Pledgemasters for which there are only two candidates may be bypassed by a vote by acclimation of the candidates for the office by consent of the Brotherhood.
        1. A vote by acclimation may not by conducted if neither candidate has held the position before.
    5. All elections other than the election of Pledgemasters shall be secured by majority vote.
    6. Voting in Pledgemaster elections shall be tallied by pairs of Pledgemasters, with the pair of Pledgemasters receiving most votes being elected to office.
    7. The Rules Committee, excepting candidates for election, shall be responsible for the counting of votes in all election votes taken by secret ballot and for the construction and presentation to the Brotherhood of a Teller’s Report for each vote taken by secret ballot.
      1. After each vote has been counted, the Chair of the Rules Committee shall read verbatim the Teller’s Report without the candidates present.
      2. If the Chair of the Rules Committee is absent from a vote count, the President shall appoint from among the present members of the Rules Committee another individual to read the Teller’s Report for that count.
      3. The President may omit reading the Teller’s Report before declaring the result of the vote.
      4. After the President has declared a conclusive result, they shall announce the winner(s) of the election with the candidates present.
    8. Inconclusive Votes
      1. In the case of an inconclusive vote, an immediate re-vote shall be conducted.
      2. In the case of three (3) or more inconclusive votes, the Brotherhood may re-enter a period of questions for and a period of discussion on each candidate.
        1. Questions and discussion may be reinitiated by majority vote of the voting Brotherhood.
        2. Candidates shall be asked questions and discussed individually.
  2. Officer Installation
    1. Each Brother elected to Chapter office shall undergo the ritual for the Installation of Officers of Alpha Chapter prior to assuming office.
    2. The Chapter President shall conduct the ritual for the Installation of Officers of Alpha Chapter.
    3. The ritual for Installation of Officers of Alpha Chapter must be conducted no later than the unfinished business portion of the final meeting of the semester in which the Officer was elected.
    4. The ritual for the Installation of Officers of Alpha Chapter may be conducted simultaneously for more than one Brother elected to Chapter office.
  3. Officer Resignation, Indisposition, and Default
    1. Resignation
      1. Any officer, committee chair, or Chapter representative to a National deliberative body shall submit notification intent to resign to the Executive Committee prior to dereliction of duties.
      2. The Executive Committee shall, at its next meeting after submission of intent to resign, approve or disapprove the resignation by two-thirds (2/3) vote at its next committee meeting.
      3. Resignation shall be effective upon approval by the Executive Committee.
    2. Indisposition
      1. If any officer, committee chair, or Chapter representative to a National deliberative body is temporarily indisposed, they shall make provisions for the continued execution of their duties during the period of indisposition.
      2. If an indisposed officer, committee chair, or Chapter representative has not made provisions for the continued execution of their duties during the period of indisposition, the President shall make such provisions, as followed:
        1. If the indisposed Brother is included in the Order of Ascension, their duties related to the office or committee chair shall fall to the next Brother in the order of ascension, pursuant to Article II, Section 14 of the Alpha Chapter By-Laws.
        2. If the indisposed Brother is not included in the Order of Ascension, the President shall appoint, by publishing notification of appointment to the Active and Special Active Brotherhood, a Brother to execute the duties of the indisposed Brother during the period of indisposition.
    3. Default
      1. Default shall be defined as the designated status of a reviewed officer, committee chair, or Chapter representative to a National deliberative body as non-functioning or malfunctioning.
      2. Any officer, committee chair, or Chapter representative designated by the Executive Committee as in default shall be removed from their position, subject to ratification by the Active and Special Active Brotherhood by majority vote.
  4. Committees
    1. Each committee, standing or special, shall be considered as constituted “with power”, according to the parliamentary authority of Mu Beta Psi, unless otherwise indicated in the motion or amendment to the Alpha Chapter By-Laws constituting the committee.
    2. Constitution and Dissolution of Special Committees
      1. The President may constitute or dissolve a Special Committee at any time by publishing to the Active and Special Active Brotherhood notification of action(s) taken.
      2. Any Special Committee may be constituted or dissolved during the New Business portion of a general meeting by a properly seconded motion to Constitute or Rescind, respectively, subject to majority approval.
        1. A motion to Constitute may list the membership of the Committee.
        2. A motion to Constitute may include a directive that the President appoint the membership of the committee upon its formation.
    3. Committee Membership Appointment and Nullification
      1. The appointing officer or committee of a committee member may annul the appointment through the same method as appointment.
      2. The President may appoint or remove members of committees with membership appointed by the President at any time by publishing to the Active and Special Active Brotherhood notification of action(s) taken.
      3. A properly seconded motion to Amend Something Previously Adopted, subject to two-thirds (2/3) vote, may appoint or remove members of committees with membership appointed by a motion to Constitute.
    4. Committee Meetings
      1. The date, time, and location of a committee meeting must be published to the Active and Special Active Brotherhood at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the meeting time for attendance to be required of committee members.
        1. The chair of a committee may call a meeting of the committee at any time by publishing the meeting date, time, and location to the Active and Special Active Brotherhood.
        2. If the chair of a committee does not call a meeting of the committee within forty-eight (48) hours of submission of a written request from a member of the committee, a quorum of the committee, pursuant to §4.4.2, below, may call a meeting of the committee by publishing the meeting date, time, and location to the Active and Special Active Brotherhood.
        3. Regularly Scheduled Committee Meetings:
          1. Any committee chair may establish regularly scheduled committee meetings by publishing the regular date(s), time(s), and location(s) of committee meetings to the Active and Special Active Brotherhood.
          2. The establishment of regularly scheduled committee meetings shall fulfill the requirement of meeting time publication pursuant to §4.4.1, above, for the purposes of requiring attendance of committee members.
      2. Quorum for a committee meeting shall be two-fifths (2/5) of the committee’s membership.
        1. The President shall not count as a member of any committee of which they are not the chair for the purposes of determining quorum.
        2. Attendance by the President shall not be required for any committee meeting of which they are not the chair.
        3. No less than two (2) members of a committee shall comprise a quorum of that committee.
      3. Any committee may close its proceedings to committee members only by a motion to Enter Executive Session, subject to approval by majority vote.
      4. Rights of Committee Membership Ex Officio:
        1. Members ex officio shall have a vote in committee proceedings, unless otherwise provided in the designation of membership ex officio.
        2. Members ex officio shall not be excluded from committee proceedings conducted in Executive Session.
  5. Meetings
    1. Definitions
      1. A session of the Chapter shall consist of all general meetings conducted during one (1) academic semester.
      2. A meeting of the Chapter shall consist of a regularly, specially scheduled, or adjourned general meeting.
      3. Prior notice shall consist of an announcement of intended action made during the Serious Announcements portion of the regularly scheduled general meeting prior to the general meeting during which the intended action is desired to take place.
      4. Executive Session:
        1. Executive Session shall be defined as a meeting or portion of a general meeting or committee meeting of the Chapter closed to Active and Special Active Brothers only, with Inactive Big Brothers when Pledging is in session, and, by ruling of the Will of the Brotherhood, other Brothers necessary for the conducting of business in Executive Session.
        2. A properly seconded motion to Enter Executive Session shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Active Brotherhood for approval.
    2. The regularly scheduled general meeting day shall be the day before classes begin each week during the academic year.
      1. The regularly scheduled general meeting time shall be determined by the President in consultation with the Executive Committee.
      2. The day of a general meeting may be changed by majority vote of the Executive Committee.
        1. The President shall publish all changes to the day of the general meeting.
        2. Attendance at rescheduled general meetings shall be required only if the change is published at least seventy-two (72) hours before the new general meeting time.
    3. Orders of the Day
      1. The Orders of the Day for all general meetings shall be:
        1. Call to order;
        2. Approval of minutes;
        3. Treasurer’s report;
        4. Member-at-Large report;
        5. Reports of all committees, standing (except for Finance, History & Archives, and Pledging) and select (except for Pledging), respectively;
        6. Reports of all representatives to National deliberative bodies, standing (except for Finance, Executive, Legislative Council, and the Board of Trustees) and select (except for Information Technology), respectively;
        7. Reports of all other appointed positions (i.e. Parliamentarian, Faculty Liaison, Brothers’ Court Chair);
        8. Historian Report;
        9. Recess;
        10. Entertainment;
        11. Consideration of unfinished business;
        12. Consideration of new business;
        13. Pledging report;
        14. Announcements; and
        15. Adjournment
      2. The Orders of the Day for a general meeting may be altered by a properly seconded motion to Reslate, subject to approval by two-thirds (2/3) vote.
        1. The President may alter the Orders of the Day for a general meeting by publishing to the Active and Special Active Brotherhood the change at least twenty-four (24) hours before that general meeting.
        2. The President may alter the Orders of the Day for a general meeting by consent of the Active and Special Active Brotherhood during the general meeting.
    4. Standing Motions and Rulings
      1. A standing motion shall consist of any main motion establishing a Chapter requirement, guideline, or other function of semi-permanent nature.
        1. Any main motion of semi-permanent nature may include a provision that it be designated as a standing motion.
        2. The Rules Committee shall determine whether any main motion of semi-permanent nature without a standing motion provision is a standing motion at the submission of a written request by any Active or Special Active Brother.
      2. A ruling shall consist of the written response to a question submitted to the Rules Committee, pursuant to Article III, Section 4.C of the Alpha Chapter By-Laws.
      3. Standing motions and rulings in force may be amended or annulled by means of a properly seconded motion to Rescind or Amend Something Previously Adopted, subject to approval by two-thirds (2/3) vote.
      4. Standing motions and rulings shall expire at the end of the session during which they were established.
      5. All standing motions and rulings shall be recorded, updated, and maintained by the Rules Committee and submitted to the Historian upon their expiration.
  6. Mu Beta Psi Room
    1. The Mu Beta Psi Room is a common area intended for the utility of the Brotherhood in performing necessary and auxiliary functions associated with the business of the Chapter.
      1. Use of Fraternity technological devices shall be regulated by Chapter Information Technology Policy.
      2. Social activities in the Mu Beta Psi Room shall not be permitted to hinder or preclude business functions therein.
        1. At the behest of any officer or committee chair, social activities taking place in the Mu Beta Psi Room that hinder or preclude business functions therein must be moved outside of the Mu Beta Psi Room.
        2. Fraternity social activities designated by the Brotherhood Committee or the Vice President and announced in a general meeting shall be treated as business functions for purposes of use of the Mu Beta Psi Room.
    2. Non-Fraternity property may not reside in the Mu Beta Psi Room for longer than forty-eight (48) consecutive hours.
      1. Non-Fraternity property residing in the Mu Beta Psi Room longer than forty-eight (48) consecutive hours shall be removed from the Mu Beta Psi Room.
        1. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for removing non-Fraternity property in violation from the Mu Beta Psi Room at the notification of any Brother.
        2. The burden of proof of property in violation shall rest with the Brother notifying the Executive Committee.
      2. Any item of non-Fraternity property may be exempted from the above requirements by main motion made during a general meeting.
    3. All items placed in the refrigerator in the Mu Beta Psi Room must be marked with the name of the Brother placing the item in the refrigerator and the date when the item was placed in the refrigerator.
      1. Any unmarked item found in the refrigerator shall be discarded immediately.
      2. Any item found in the refrigerator dated more than one week old shall be discarded immediately.
      3. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for discarding items in violation of §6.3.1 and §6.3.2, above.
      4. Any Brother possessing items in violation of §6.3.1 or §6.3.2, above, shall be assessed a fine of $1.00 by majority vote of the Executive Committee.
      5. Any item in the refrigerator may be exempted from the above requirements by main motion during a general meeting.
      6. The above requirements may be modified for any item in the refrigerator by main motion during a general meeting.
  7. Chapter Policy
    1. Any committee or officer may establish a policy, subject to review by the Rules Committee and majority approval of the Brotherhood.
      1. Approval of a policy is necessary only if objection to the policy is raised by an Active or Special Active Brother during a general meeting.
      2. Policy shall take effect upon establishment.
        1. Policy to which an objection has been raised by an Active or Special Active Brother during a general meeting shall not take effect, or shall be suspended, until approval.
        2. The Rules Committee shall suspend any Alpha Chapter policy found to be in violation of the National Constitution, National Policy, Alpha Chapter By-Laws, or Alpha Chapter Standing Rules of Order.
    2. Fines
      1. Chapter By-Laws, Standing Rules of Order, and Policy may establish set fines for specific policy infractions.
      2. The Treasurer shall be responsible for collecting a fine upon receiving notification from the officer or chair of the committee assessing the fine.
        1. Any fine assessed may be appealed to the Executive Committee by the Brother receiving the fine.
        2. Fines assessed by the Executive Committee may be appealed to the Rules Committee.
        3. Fines may be overruled by majority vote of the appellate committee.
        4. Any fine established with procedures for its appeal shall not be constrained by the appellate procedures established by §7.2.1, §, and §, above.
    3. Precedence of Policy
      1. All Chapter Policy is subordinate to the Alpha Chapter By-Laws and Standing Rules of Order.
      2. In conflicts between Chapter Policies, earlier-established policies shall take precedence.
        1. This precedence may be overruled in a specific case by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Active Brotherhood.
        2. The Rules Committee may suspend conflicting clauses of Chapter Policy to resolve conflicts, subject to overrule by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Active Brotherhood, pursuant to §, above.
    4. Amendment
      1. All Chapter Policy, except for Brothers Court Policy, is subject to overrule by the Will of the Brotherhood at any time, pursuant to Article VII, Section 1 of the Alpha Chapter By- Laws.
      2. Any policy may be amended during a general meeting by two-thirds (2/3) vote.
        1. Amendments recommended by the policy’s establishing officer or committee may be approved by majority vote.
        2. Any policy containing procedures for its amendment shall not be constrained by the amendment procedures established by §7.4.2 and §, above.
  8. Document Revision, Maintenance, and Publication
    1. The Chair of the Rules Committee shall store and make accessible to the Active and Special Active Brotherhood electronic copies of the National Constitution, all National Policies, the Alpha Chapter By-Laws, and all Chapter Policies.
    2. Alpha Chapter By-Laws
      1. The Chair of the Rules Committee shall maintain a copy of the Alpha Chapter By-Laws.
        1. The Chair of the Rules Committee shall execute amendments to the By-Laws as directed by the Active Brotherhood, pursuant to Article VIII of the By-Laws.
        2. Within one (1) week after an amendment to the By-Laws is approved by the Active Brotherhood, the Chair of the Rules Committee shall publish to the Active and Special Active Brotherhood an updated copy of the By-Laws reflecting the amendment.
      2. The Rules Committee shall create and maintain a Revision History Document for the Alpha Chapter By-Laws, pursuant to §8.6, below.
    3. Standing Rules of Order
      1. The Chair of the Rules Committee shall maintain a copy of the Alpha Chapter Standing Rules of Order.
        1. The Chair of the Rules Committee shall execute amendments to the Standing Rules of Order as directed by the Active Brotherhood, pursuant to Article VIII of the Alpha Chapter By-Laws.
        2. Within one (1) week after an amendment to the Standing Rules of Order is approved by the Brotherhood, the Chair of the Rules Committee shall publish an updated copy of the Standing Rules of Order reflecting that amendment.
      2. The Rules Committee shall create and maintain a Revision History Document for the Alpha Chapter Standing Rules of Order, pursuant to §8.5, below.
    4. Policy
      1. All Chapter policies regularly established shall be standardized.
        1. Each standardized policy shall be maintained by the Officer or Committee Chair that established them.
        2. Subsequent establishment of standardized policies shall consist of publication of the Policy, pursuant to §7.1;
      2. Old Chapter policies shall be stored electronically by the Historian and the Chair of the Rules Committee to be used for reference by any Brother.
    5. Revision History Documents
      1. Alpha Chapter By-Laws and Standing Rules of Order
        1. The Revision History Document for the Alpha Chapter By-Laws or Standing Rules of Order shall contain, for each amendment to the By-Laws or Standing Rules of Order approved by the Brotherhood, the following:
          1. Date of approval by the Brotherhood of the amendment;
          2. Original text of the changed portion(s) of the By-Laws or Standing Rules of Order;
          3. New text of the changed portion(s) of the By-Laws or Standing Rules of Order;
          4. Purpose or goal of the amendment; and
          5. Vote for approval as recorded in the minutes for the meeting during which the amendment was approved.
        2. The Rules Committee shall update the Revision History Document for the Alpha Chapter By-Laws or Standing Rules of Order at its next meeting after an amendment to the By- Laws or Standing Rules of Order is approved.
      2. Alpha Chapter Policies
        1. The Revision History Document for any Chapter Policy shall contain, for each amendment to that policy or modified establishment of that policy, the following:
        2. Date of amendment or modified establishment;
        3. Original text of the changed portion(s) of that policy;
        4. New text of the changed portion(s) of that policy; and
        5. Purpose or goal of the amendment or modified establishment.
      3. The officer or committee chair that established a policy shall update the Revision History Document for that policy within two (2) weeks after an amendment or modified establishment.
    6. Document Publication
      1. All documents pertaining to Alpha Chapter business, including, but not limited to, the Alpha Chapter By-Laws, the Alpha Chapter Standing Rules of Order, and all Chapter Policies, shall be restricted.
        1. Restricted documents shall not be published in any format to any non-Brother under any circumstances, except as required by the National Constitution.
        2. Exceptions may be stipulated in the National Constitution, National Policy, Chapter By- Laws, Chapter Standing Rules of Order, and Chapter Policy.
        3. Any document, action, procedure, or property of Alpha Chapter business may be designated as restricted by majority vote.
      2. The publication of the Alpha Chapter By-Laws, Standing Rules of Order, and Policies in any forum is prohibited, except as directed by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Active Brotherhood.
      3. If constituted by the President, the Select Committee on Information Technology shall publish Alpha Chapter By-Laws, Standing Rules of Order, and Policies in a protected Brothers-only area of the Alpha Chapter Brothers’ Website.
  9. Suspension, Ratification, and Amendment of Standing Rules of Order
    1. The Standing Rules of Order contained herein are subject to overrule by the Will of the Brotherhood at any time, pursuant to Article VII, Section 1 of the Alpha Chapter By-Laws.
      1. Any Standing Rule of Order contained herein may be suspended for a time definite by majority vote with a requirement of prior notice.
        1. Prior notice shall consist of notification of intent to amend consistent with the requirements of §5.1.2, above.
        2. The requirement of prior notice may be bypassed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote.
      2. No Standing Rule of Order of Alpha Chapter shall be suspended indefinitely.
      3. §9 of the Alpha Chapter Standing Rules of Order shall not be suspended, in whole or in part, under any circumstances.
    2. Ratification
      1. The Standing Rules of Order contained herein shall be effective upon ratification by three- fourths (3/4) vote of the Active Brotherhood of Alpha Chapter.
      2. The Standing Rules of Order contained herein may be amended by revision or substitution, subject to ratification by three-fourths (3/4) vote of the Active Brotherhood.
    3. Any Standing Rule of Order contained herein may be changed or removed, or a new Standing Rule of Order may be added to the Standing Rules of Order contained herein, by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Active Brotherhood with a requirement of prior notice.
      1. Prior notice shall consist of notification of intent to amend consistent with the requirements of §5.1.2, above.
      2. The requirement of prior notice may be bypassed by the Will of the Brotherhood.