Service Policy

  1. All Service events will be mandatory when specified by the Service Chair for all Active Brothers.
    1. Mandatory events will be denoted as such at least one week prior to the event.
    2. If a Brother is unable to attend, will be late, or must leave early, the Service Chair is to be contacted as soon as possible in a form appropriate for the amount of time the Brother has to give notice.
    3. If the Service Chair is not present, the Brother must contact the Brother who the Service Chair assigned to be in charge of the given service event.
    4. If an event has limited sign ups (i.e. there are only 5 spots available) hours will only be awarded to Brothers signed up prior to the event. Any additional Brothers present will not receive service hours.
  2. Service events include any service needed in the music community in and around Rutgers, as well as any other service events which the Service Chair and Committee determine to be a worthwhile experience for the Brothers of Mu Beta Psi.
  3. It is required, for a Brother to maintain an active status, that 10 hours of service be reached each semester.
    1. All Service hours fall under the same category.
    2. Attendance at 50% of Mandatory Events is required per semester.
      1. Mandatory Events will be distinguished by the Service Chair in advance of the date of the event
      2. (E.g. If there was 4 mandatory events, all active Brothers would be required to attend 2)
    3. 10 hours of service is a minimum, Brothers should always strive to attend more Service events.
  4. Service event attendances and cumulative service hours will be recorded by the Service Chair (or a proxy should the Chair be unable to attend an event). Rewards will be as follows:
    1. Brother of the Semester: The person with the most service hours at the end of the semester will be named Brother of the Semester. They will also get a special prize from the Service Chair.
    2. Service Events for events where certain Brothers may not participate in (ex. Pep Band, Voorhees Choir, etc.) are responsible for choosing one Brother to inform the Service Chair, if not present, what service was done, who it involved, and how many hours each Brother put in.
    3. Brothers with less than 50% of available service hours, will be contacted by the Service Chair throughout the semester. It is the Brother’s responsibility to work with the Service Chair to work towards achieving the 50% minimum service hours.
  5. Failure to notify the Service Chair of an absence, late arrival or early departure before 24 hours following the conclusion of an event will result in an unexcused absence.
    1. If a valid excuse is presented to the Service Chair AT LEAST 24 hours prior to the event and 50% of mandatory events can not be achieved, alternate arrangements can be made by the discretion of the Service Chair and their committee.
    2. After a second offense, in addition to a lost hour, will have to sit down with the Service Chair.
    3. After a third offense, the Service Chair will talk to the Brother and will also report the issue to the Vice President for further action.