Rho Chapter Academic Probation Policy

The purpose of academic probation is to support and maintain the academic success and overall well-being of the Brother.

  1. Reaching Out
    1. Meeting designed to indicate that GPA has fallen between a 2.5 and 2.6, and to ask Brother if they need or want any assistance.
  2. Types of Probation
    1. Academic Probation
      1. A Brother is on Academic Probation when their GPA is 2.5 or below.
        1. They will be on academic probation for a minimum of one semester before being moved to Academic Monitoring.
          1. Brother will be moved to Academic Monitoring when GPA shows improvement of any amount.
      2. Limits of Academic Probation
        1. Must work with E-board member individually and must check in at least once a week.
        2. Limits which will be considered on a case-by-case process by Executive Board:
          1. Applying to be a Big.
          2. Running for any new officer, committee head, or appointee positions.
          3. One excused absence of a mandatory meeting or event is allowed for studying purposes.
            1. Not including General Business meetings, given this does not become a frequent reoccurrence. If frequent reoccurrence does occur a meeting will occur between the Brother and Executive Board.
    2. Academic Monitoring
      1. A Brother is considered to be on Academic Monitoring when their GPA has increased since the start of Academic Probation.
      2. Limits
        1. Must work with E-board member individually and must check in once a month at minimum.
        2. The following limits will be considered on a case-by-case process by Executive Board:
          1. Applying to be a Big.
          2. Holding one new officer, committee head, or appointee position other than those previously obtained during or prior to Academic Probation.
      3. A Brother can remain on academic monitoring for a maximum of two semesters. At the end of the two semesters, Executive Committee will decide whether monitoring status will be maintained or the Brother will be considered for Involuntary Inactive status.
  3. This policy is to be reviewed by the Executive Board of Rho Chapter and all revisions must be approved by 2/3 vote of the Active Brotherhood.