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Executive Committee Operating Procedures

Fall 2019

  1. General Meeting Minutes
    1. Reports
      1. Any Active, Special Active, Alumni Active, or Affiliate Brother making a report during the course of the meeting should have their remarks prepared in writing by the beginning of the general meeting in which they will be presented to the Brotherhood.
      2. All reports must be presented in writing to the Secretary by the end of the general meeting in which they were presented to the Brotherhood.
        1. Failure to submit any report in proper format by the designated deadline shall result, for each late or improper submission, in a fine of either:
          1. $1.00, due to the Alpha Chapter Treasurer by the beginning of the next regularly scheduled meeting and there after subject to late fees in accordance with Alpha Chapter Finance Policy; or
          2. One (1) package of candy, designated by the Secretary, due to the Secretary by the next regularly scheduled general meeting, after which, if unpaid, a cash fine and late fees(s) must instead be paid, in accordance with § of these procedures.
    2. Minutes Approval
      1. The Secretary may expedite the reading of the minutes by the following process of pre-meeting minutes approval.
        1. Provisional minutes for a general meeting may be submitted to all Active and Special Active Brothers during the interim between that meeting and the next regularly scheduled general meeting.
        2. Any additions or corrections to provisional minutes submitted in accordance with §, above, may be sent to the Secretary for possible inclusion in the corrected version of the minutes before the next regularly scheduled general meeting.
        3. If two-thirds (2/3) of the Active and Special Active Brotherhood have submitted their approval of the provisional minutes for a general meeting to the Secretary before the next regularly scheduled meeting, the reading of the minutes during that general meeting may be waived without a motion to do so.
      2. Any motion to waive the reading of the minutes during a general meeting shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote.
  2. Attendance
    1. Absences, Tardies, and Pre-Adjournment Departures
      1. Definitions
        1. A tardy or pre-adjournment departure shall be defined as being present for at least half of the general meeting.
          1. The halfway mark of a meeting is entertainment.
        2. Any combination of three tardies of pre-adjournment departures shall be counted as one absence.
      2. Excuse requests for absences, tardies, and pre-adjournment departures for a general meeting shall adhere to the following process.
        1. Any Active, Special Active, or Alumni Active Brother requesting excuse from an absence, tardy, or pre-adjournment departure must completely fill out and submit to the Secretary an excuse form distributed or otherwise made available to all Active and Special Active Brothers by the Secretary.
          1. Any Brother submitting an excuse form shall contact the Secretary to read the provisional minutes for the missed general meeting prior to submission of an excuse form.
          2. Any Brother submitting an excuse form shall contact a Pledgemaster (when Pledging is discussed at the missed general meeting) prior to submission of an excuse form.
        2. Any excuse request submitted without the necessary prerequisites shall not be considered.
        3. An excuse request must be submitted to the Secretary no later than one (1) week after the missed general meeting.
      3. Excuse requests for absences, tardies, and premature departures for non-general meeting required events shall adhere to the following process.
        1. Any Active or Special Active Brother requesting excuse from an absence, tardy, or premature departure must completely fill out and submit to the Secretary an excuse form distributed or otherwise made available to all Active and Special Active Brothers by the Secretary.
        2. An excuse request must be submitted to the Secretary no later than one (1) week after the missed required event.
      4. General guidelines for excuse approval shall be determined by the Executive Committee.
    2. Committee Meeting Attendance
      1. All Active, Special Active, and Alumni Active Brothers shall attend the meetings of the committees of which they are members.
      2. Any Active, Special Active, or Alumni Active Brother who has three (3) or more absences from meetings for any committee to which they belong may be subject to review by the chair of that committee.
        1. The chair of a committee may initiate a review of any committee member who has accumulated three (3) or more absences from committee meetings.
          1. The chair of a committee undertaking a review of a committee member must notify that committee member of the review prior to undertaking it.
          2. The chair of a committee undertaking a review of a committee member shall report the results of the review to the Vice President.
        2. If they deem it necessary after undertaking a review of a committee member, the chair of a committee may recommend corrective measures for that committee member to the Vice President.
          1. The Vice President shall evaluate any recommendation for corrective measures at its next regular meeting after receiving the recommendations.
          2. The Vice President shall not undertake an independent review of the committee member.
          3. The Vice President shall enact, modify and enact, or refuse any recommendation for corrective measures.
            1. The Vice President enacting corrective measures for a Brother shall notify that Brother prior to enacting the corrective measures.
            2. The Vice President shall report any corrective measures enacted to the Brotherhood at the regularly scheduled general meeting following their enactment.
    3. Required Events
      1. All general meetings announced with proper prior notice shall be required events.
      2. All Pledging events shall be required events.
      3. Any other event may be required by majority vote of the Executive Committee.
        1. Any officer or committee chair may submit a request that the Executive Committee designate an event as a required event.
        2. The designation of an event as required must be announced by the Executive Committee no less than one (1) week before the event.
  3. Reviews
    1. Regular Reviews
      1. The Executive Committee shall undertake regular reviews of all Executive Officers and the Brothers Court Chair.
        1. Any officer may be reviewed at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
          1. The Executive Committee shall review every Executive Officer and the Brothers Court Chair at least once per semester.
      2. The Executive Committee shall undertake regular reviews of Pledgemasters while Pledging is in session.
        1. Both Pledgemasters shall be reviewed at each regular meeting of the Executive Committee while Pledging is in session.
      3. The Executive Committee shall undertake regular reviews of the Chair of the Rules Committee, as well as the appointed positions of the Chair of Brotherhood Committee, the Chair of Public Relations Committee, NITC Representative, and the Parliamentarian.
        1. Any committee chair or appointed position listed in §3.I.C may be reviewed at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
          1. The Executive Committee shall review every committee chair and appointed position listed in §3.I.C at least once per semester.
      4. The officers, committee chair(s), and Chapter representatives to National Committees (if applicable) who will be reviewed at the next regular Executive Committee meeting shall be named during the Executive Committee report at each general meeting.
      5. Any Brother who wishes to provide input for a review can send the review to the President.
        1. The review can be sent to the Secretary when the President is being reviewed.
    2. Requested Reviews
      1. Any Brother may request a review of any Chapter officer, committee chair, or Chapter representative to a National Committee.
        1. Review requests must be submitted to the President.
        2. If the President is the subject of the requested review, the request must be submitted to the Vice President
        3. Review requests may be submitted anonymously
          1. Review requests with language violating any Chapter or National Policy will be disregarded.
          2. Anonymous review requests shall be reported to Executive Committee with the exception of the Brother whose review is being requested.
        4. Reviews requested by 5 p.m. Wednesday shall be reported at the next general meeting.
        5. Reports on reviews requested later than 5 p.m. Wednesday may be delayed by the Executive Committee until the following general meeting.
        6. Under extenuating circumstances, the Executive Committee may delay reporting on any review.
      2. The Executive Committee shall assess the validity of each review before initiating the review itself.
        1. Review request content not pertaining to the Chapter office, committee chair, or National Committee seat held by the subject of the request will be deemed invalid.
        2. Invalid review requests shall be rejected by the Executive Committee.
          1. The Executive Committee shall inform the requestor of a review if the request is determined to be invalid.
          2. Invalid review requests shall not be reported to the Brotherhood.
        3. Excessive invalid or absurd review requests by the same Brother may result in the immediate rejection by the Executive Committee of further review requests made by that Brother.
    3. Reviews Process
      1. The content of all reviews undertaken by the Executive Committee shall be kept confidential by the members of the Executive Committee present during the review.
        1. Any review undertaken by the Executive Committee shall be held in executive session.
        2. If the subject of the review is a member of the Executive Committee, they must not be present during the review process.
        3. Any Executive Committee member may decline to be present during any review process.
      2. Reviews shall each be conducted in six phases.
        1. The Executive Committee shall determine if each review is necessary.
          1. If the Executive Committee determines that a review is not necessary, the Committee shall not continue to conduct the review.
          2. If the Executive Committee determines that a review is necessary, the Committee shall continue to conduct the review according to the following procedures.
        2. The Executive Committee shall evaluate the progress of the subject of the review according to duties enumerated in the National Constitution, National policies, Alpha Chapter By-Laws, and/or Chapter policies.
        3. The Executive Committee shall provide subjective constructive criticism in the form of compliments and suggestions for improvement.
        4. The subject of the review shall be entitled to a period of responses to questions, if any, from the Executive Committee.
          1. The Executive Committee shall notify the subject of a review prior to initiating the review.
          2. The subject of a review may decline to participate in the period of response to questions, or may decline to answer any specific question from the Executive Committee, without penalty or any other repercussion.
        5. If necessary, the Executive Committee may compose a detailed list of actions that shall be taken by the subject of the review.
          1. The Executive Committee shall establish a deadline for each item on a list of actions.
          2. Upon the arrival of each deadline for an item on a list of actions, the Executive Committee shall re-review the subject of the review on the specific content of the item due.
        6. If necessary, the Executive Committee may re-review the subject of the review at its next regular meeting.
          1. The re-review shall follow the reviews process set forth in §3.3 of these procedures.
          2. The Executive Committee shall inform the subject of the review of such a course of action.
      3. Upon the completion of any review, the Executive Committee shall formulate the official results of the review in writing.
        1. A copy of the results shall be submitted to the subject of the review.
        2. Review results shall be announced verbatim at the Executive Committee’s discretion during the Executive Committee report of the next regularly scheduled general meeting after which the review was conducted
    4. Corrective Measures
      1. If the Executive Committee determines that the subject of a review has not fulfilled the requirements set forth by a list of actions pursuant to § of these procedures, the Committee may enact corrective measures against them.
      2. Corrective Measures can include:
        1. Fines levied by the Executive Committee, approved by majority vote.
        2. Removal from office (or, where applicable, committee membership) for the following positions, approved by two-thirds (2/3) vote:
          1. Rules Committee chair;
          2. Any committee chair not held ex officio by a Chapter officer; and
          3. Any National Committee seat not held ex officio by a Chapter officer.
        3. Designation of default status, pursuant to Alpha Chapter Standing Rule of Order §4.C, approved by two-thirds (2/3) vote.
        4. Issuance of Brothers Court Charges and subsequent convening of the Brothers Court, approved by two-thirds (2/3) vote.
          1. Issuance of Brother's Court Charges, and subsequent convening of the Brothers Court, may occur if a legitimate complaint, with evidence, is filed by any active, special active, affiliate, inactive or alumni brother.
            1. Evidence defined as, but not limited to, eye witness accounts from a third-party other than the Brother bringing the complaint, as well as, physical evidence.
          2. Issuance of Brothers Court Charges and subsequent convening of the Brothers Court may occur if a National Officer deems it appropriate.
        5. Other corrective measures, excluding removal from office, declared Inactive status, forced resignation, or social or Fraternal humiliation, shall be approved by majority vote.
      3. Corrective measures may be appealed to the Rules Committee, subject to overturn by a vote of the same type as required for initial approval of the corrective measure enacted.
  4. Procedures Establishment and Amendment
    1. These procedures shall be established by the third general meeting of the semester, as altered if desired, by two- thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Committee.
    2. These procedures may be amended as follows:
      1. Amendments may be recommended to the Brotherhood for adoption by majority vote of the Executive Committee and adopted by majority vote of the Active and Special Active Brotherhood.
      2. Amendments may be submitted in the form of a main motion during a general meeting for adoption by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Active Brotherhood.
    3. If any change to these procedures is affected during a reviews process, in accordance with §3 of these procedures, the changed portions of these procedures, if they affect the reviews process, can be utilized only if they affect portions of the reviews process which have not yet taken place.
    4. If any change to these procedures is affected during a reviews process, in accordance with §3 of these procedures, the subject of the reviews process must assent to the utilization of the changes in the reviews process, if they affect the reviews process.
policies/chapters/alpha/ecops.1575136429.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/30 17:53 by kgwenger