ΜΒΨ Policy Library

Mu Beta Psi, National Honorary Musical Fraternity

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Under Review

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Policy Template

Download the template below to get started. Remove sections that don't apply right now; you can always add them back. Refer to the Guide to Writing Policies, so your policy is easier for people to read.

file txt policy-template.txt>

Policy Title

This template is based on the Policy Template. Add each detail about your policy, removing placeholders as you go.

  • Policy Owner:
  • Policy Contact:
  • Date Proposed / Last Reviewed:
  • Date Effective:

Policy Statement

The policy statement is the governing principle, rationale, or intent of the action we take. It says what we do, but not how. This statement should be concise — brief enough to memorize word for word.

Reason for Policy

Justify why the policy is being issued. Reference the policies, statutes, etc. that mandate (or constrain) its application. This section may include a statement of how the policy is related to our purposes and values.


  • To whom does the policy apply?
  • How does someone report suspected violations of the policy?
  • What are potential repercussions for violating the policy? Define the consequences for the various types and frequency of noncompliance that may occur. List each one on its own line.
  • What is the effective time period? Specify whether this represents an ongoing change or a short-term effect. This section may include a review frequency, to check the policy for substantive or technical updates.


  • Procedures are the required action steps to implement the policy. You may want to include guidelines, but guidelines are not mandatory. Guidelines would go in the “Forms and Instructions” section instead.
  • List each action step clearly and accurately. These procedures are organized as a chronological series of steps required to accomplish a task. Specific methods of participation (below) are organized as lists of tasks that must be completed by an individual or office.

Forms and Instructions

  • Links to guidelines or supporting documents needed to comply with the policy

Policy Details


Explanation of the term in Plain language
Additional meanings if the term can mean several things
Explanation of the term in Plain language
Additional meanings if the term can mean several things


List each position or office that's directly related to the above procedures or enforcement sections. Each position or office will have its own brief list describing how they participate; see example below. Keep each line short, so the responsibilities are easy to skim and remember.

  • What responsibilities are held by this position or office? List each responsibility on its own line, starting with an action verb. There must be at least one role doing the work for each task. If some parts of the work may be delegated to people at different levels, then mention likely delegates.
  • Is this position or office accountable for the correct, thorough application of the policy? List each element on its own line, starting with an action verb. Then name likely roles who seek final approval from this position or office. There must be only one accountable position or office specified for each task associated with this policy.
  • Is this position or office consulted by others to achieve a task of their own? Using an action verb, list each subject matter or opinion offered by this role to help others achieve their own tasks. This is usually two-way communication.
  • Will this position or office be informed by others? Use an action verb to list each task on its own line that cause this position or office to expect routine progress reports, or announcements of completion. This is usually one-way communication.
  • Fraternal policies that expand upon, or constrain, or relate to the policy
  • Laws, policies, and regulations at the Federal, State, or Campus level that relate to the policy
  • Associated websites, and documents that provide supplemental information to the policy


resources/template.1507240495.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/04/12 23:50 (external edit)