Aside from being the founder of Mu Beta Psi, Major Percy W. Price served in a leadership position from 1931 to 1933. During that time, he placed a strong emphasis on expansion projects, and sought to promote Mu Beta Psi to other colleges and universities as frequently as possible.
This website is Major Price’s vision updated for the 21st century. It serves as a resource for those who would like more information about creating a chapter of Mu Beta Psi, or those who are merely curious as to what a colonization effort would entail.
For answers to some commonly asked questions, please visit the FAQ section of this site. If you want more in depth information regarding the colonization process, please visit the Starting a Chapter section.
In this technological age, we still hold true the morals of our founder, and we welcome you to reach out to us personally. Click here to email our National Vice President of Expansion.
Thank you for visiting, and we look forward to speaking with you.