National Officers & Permanent Committee Chairs
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National President
Nathan Booms

As National President I am responsible for many different things! I serve as chair to both the National Executive Committee and the National Legislative Council, two of the bodies in which almost all of our policy changes go through. It is my responsibility to lead us in accomplishing our National Goals set by the Board of Trustees. I can do this through the creation of ad-hoc committees, as well as through appropriate oversight and communication. I also work with the Chapter planning National Convention to coordinate a fantastic, and smoothly-run event. One of the best things about the position of National President is the amount of interaction I get with Brothers who are incredibly passionate about the success of Mu Beta Psi.
National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance
Taylor Shay

As National Vice President of Chapter Maintenance, I serve on the National Executive Committee and preside over the National Committee on Chapter Maintenance (NCCM). My primary responsibility is to work to build a stronger and more stable Brotherhood by maintaining relationships with Brothers at the chapter level, overseeing new member processes, and helping with peer mediation when needed. Additional responsibilities include keeping the NCCM Policy up to date and providing guidance on various chapter issues.
National Vice President of Expansion
Sarah Cooperman

As NVPE, I seek out new expansion opportunities for Mu Beta Psi. I contact schools that would be a good fit for the Fraternity, and I work with both students, professors, and school administrators to make sure that they understand all about who we are before we pursue any expansion. Once approved, I lead the training of these students so that they are best prepared to become Brothers of Mu Beta Psi. My committee, the National Committee on Expansion, focuses on ways to improve the expansion process, and also assists in evaluating the progress of the colonies preparing to become chapters.
National Secretary
Jason Ackerman

In my role as the National Secretary, my primary goal is to record the proceedings of various meetings that happen within the Fraternity. I regularly attend National meetings to document what transpires and to provide records of past events. I also maintain records of official external correspondence with the Fraternity. Likewise, I facilitate official communication (committee reports, meeting minutes, etc.) within the Fraternity.
National Treasurer
Robert Smith

As National Treasurer, I manage the day-to-day financial dealings of the Fraternity. This varies from issuing payments and reimbursements, up-keeping our financial records, managing our Fraternity's financial accounts, auditing Chapters, operating the Fraternity's national store: The Psi Pstore, chairing the National Finance Committee, and so-forth. The National Finance Committee discusses the current/future state of our Fraternity's finances and also votes on any new financial initiatives pursued by the Fraternity. We also review the National Finance Policy and update it regularly to reflect the current financial practices of the Fraternity.
National Historian
Nathaniel Kulyk

As National Historian, I am responsible for the Fraternity's National Archives. I handle and preserve all records from our history and share digital copies of them through the Electronic Archives on the Knowledgebase. I collect submissions of documents from the Chapters and the National Organization on an annual basis. I work with the National Secretary and the Chapter Historians to ensure that all records are preserved properly. During Convention, I oversee the "Price"less Memories Scrapbook Competition. My committee, the National History and Archives Committee (NHAC) focuses on topics concerning the preservation of our history, recordkeeping, and advancing the education of our history and heritage to the Fraternity-at-Large.
National Communications Officer
Alaces Jewel Sarmiento

As National Communications Officer, I manage both internal & external communications for Mu Beta Psi to ensure we are well-representing our organization, engaging our community, and promoting our purposes. My responsibilities include publishing our newsletter The Clef, both as a digital newsletter over the Mu Beta Psi listserv and as a print edition distributed at our yearly Convention.
I also oversee and produce content for our national social media accounts. Give them a follow to stay updated on all things Mu Beta Psi!
Webmaster, National Information Technology Committee Chair
Buddy Cross

As Webmaster, I manage our websites and mailing lists, and monitor our social media accounts. I offer help support and trouble shooting to our members, and especially to chapter webmasters. My committee, the National Information Technology Committee focuses on addressing chapter needs as they come up, approving social media accounts, and reviewing websites. We also review and update our Information Technology Policy to make sure that it is relevant to the current technological uses.
National Scholarship Management Committee Chair
Jacqueline Harms

As National Scholarship Management Committee Chair, I work with my committee of Brothers on building our National Scholarship. This committee is responsible for raising funds, keeping scholarship materials present, and awarding the scholarship. Students that are incoming freshmen or current undergraduate students at our active Chapters' institutions are eligible to apply for the scholarship. Brothers of Mu Beta Psi are not eligible and may not apply.