Start a Chapter
Mu Beta Psi is dedicated to the promotion of music on campus and in the community, and to supporting music through service, recognition, and scholarship. Our Chapters sponsor events, perform service projects, and encourage fellowship among musicians. We welcome all musicians to our organization, whether they are a major or non-major, instrumentalist or vocalist, performer or hobbyist. We strive to achieve the Fraternity ideals of Music, Brotherhood, and Service.

Does Mu Beta Psi sound right for your school?
The first step is to get in touch with our National Vice President of Expansion, who will be able to provide additional information, as well as answer any questions you have about the Fraternity. You can also check out our expansion site >
The colonization itself is a two-semester, two-phase process. It does require a firm time commitment from everyone involved–colonizing is complex, but not difficult. Whether you are ultimately granted a Chapter relies on the dedication of the students involved; but when you decide to colonize, you will have the support of the entire Fraternity behind you!
Additional things to consider:
- We require two faculty members willing to support the colonization process. They do not need to be music faculty, we only ask that they retain an interest in guiding the Fraternity.
- If you already have a music organization or fraternity, can your campus support another? Is there a segment of your music population that is not served by existing groups?
- Seek out music students who are interested in being a part of the new chapter. We require at least fifteen (15) people begin the training process. However, it is strongly recommended you recruit at least 20 people; 25 to 30 is even better. Hold meetings with students and advisors to plan your next step(s). If you need material to help recruit students, the NVPE can provide flyers and brochures to assist your efforts.
- Schedule some time to speak to the administration of your Music Department about starting a Chapter of Mu Beta Psi. The NVPE can assist by providing discussion points, or even by meeting with your department. Also, contact your Office of Student Affairs (or equivalent body) for the requirements to be met when starting a new student organization on campus. Eventually you will need a letter of approval from this body, so it will help to start a relationship early. If you wish for us to send an individual letter of introduction to someone, just let the NVPE know.
- Begin thinking about goals that you wish your group to achieve, both short-term and long-term. Create a “mission statement”. Be prepared to explain — to us and your school — why your group thinks Mu Beta Psi belongs at your school.
- Gather together basic information about your school, including a short history, basic facts (student population, location, etc.), a school catalog, a copy of the academic calendar, and any interesting or unique facts about the institution.